Support Us

Each year, volunteer firefighters save taxpayers millions of dollars in payroll costs, and donate countless hours of their time in service to their communities.

Bristol Volunteer Fire Department uses fundraising events to help offset the cost of the services we provide, but with rising costs of equipment, insurance and training, as well as fewer volunteers to run events, we are increasingly appreciative of direct financial support. 

If your donation is β€œin memoriam,” please include this information in your correspondence.

Individuals participating in the United Way Campaign may make a donation by indicating our number 2608 on the enrollment form.

If you would like to make an in-kind, or merchandise donation for the firehouse or to support one of our fundraisers, please contact us at 585-229-5505.

Bristol Volunteer Fire Department is a Section 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations may qualify as charitable deductions for tax purposes. Please consult a tax professional for more information.

Serving Our


Support Us

How You Can

We invite both individuals and local businesses to consider making a one-time or recurring monetary donation to support us.

To make a donation by mail, please make checks payable, and address them to:

Bristol Volunteer Fire Department
attention: Treasurer

4350 State Route 64
Bristol, NY 14424

Show your support through volunteering

Wake up with determination, go to bed with Satisfaction. Become a Bristol Volunteer Firefighter. 
Heroes needed. Is there a fire in you?