The application process is simple. You can become a member of the BVFD by following these steps:
Obtain an application by stopping at Station 1 on Route 64 any Monday night or by downloading below. You must provide all information requested on the application in order for us to consider you for membership.
Once your application is received, you will be called to meet with the Membership Committee on a Monday night. At this meeting you will be asked to complete a Criminal/Arson Background check form, which is required by New York State law for all applicants.
After meeting with the Membership Committee, and favorable reference and arson background check results are received, your application will be brought up before the general membership at the next monthly meeting. New members are accepted by a majority vote of the members at the meeting.
You will be notified after the meeting of your acceptance as a member. Membership is effective upon the payment of dues, which are $5.00 per year.

Support Us
You don’t have to put your life on the line to help your neighbor. Click here to financially support your Bristol Volunteer Fire Department.