The Bristol Volunteer Fire Department is always looking for new members to serve as firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and ambulance drivers, as well as volunteers to help with administrative and fundraising tasks.
If you are interested in full active membership, serving as a firefighter or EMT you must:
Reside in the town of Bristol
Be at least 18 years of age
Be in good health and good physical condition
Submit to, and pass a criminal/arson background check
Have a valid driver's license and automobile insurance
Be a legal resident status in the United States.
Youth aged 14-17 may serve in the capacity of a Junior Restricted Member with parental consent.
Volunteer as an
Active Member
Volunteers are not required to have any prior experience. Those who pass the screening will be provided with the necessary training to serve as a full member of the fire department. All new active members must complete a total of 15 hours of initial training as specified by the Fire Chief before being cleared for active fire and EMS duty. Subsequently, all active members must complete a minimum of 8 hours of OSHA training annually in order to remain active.
BVFD also depends on service members who help the department with cleaning, facility maintenance, office duties and fundraising. You don’t have to be willing to run into a burning building to serve your community.
Volunteer Interest Survey
Learn More About Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in joining the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department, we invite you to fill out the volunteer interest survey and a member of our team will contact you.
Becoming a Member
Submit an application for membership
To become a member, the following steps must be completed:
Obtain an application by downloading it or stopping at Station 1 on Route 64 any Monday night. You must provide all information requested on the application in order for us to consider you for membership.
Once your application is received, you will be called to meet with the Membership Committee on a Monday night. At this meeting you will be asked to complete a Criminal/Arson Background check form, which is required by New York State law for all applicants.
After meeting with the Membership Committee, and favorable reference and arson background check results are received, your application will be brought up before the general membership at the next monthly meeting. New members are accepted by a majority vote of the members at the meeting.
You will be notified after the meeting of your acceptance as a member. Membership is effective upon the payment of dues, which are $5.00 per year.
New members will be issued personal protective equipment and a pager. The equipment must be kept at the firehouse until the new member has been cleared for active duty.
If you have further questions, please stop by Station 1 on Route 64 or call 229-5505 any Monday night. We’ll be happy to give you a tour of the firehouse and apparatus, and answer any questions you may have.
More About
Becoming a Member
Active Members are those persons who meet the qualifications for such status as provided for in the bylaws and the policies of the Department. Active Members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. They perform the Emergency Fire fighting duties of the department which may include fighting fires, attending to victims of an accident (car crashes etc) , assisting the EMS volunteers with rescue/ems calls to name a few.. Such members shall have the authority to vote on all matters brought to the members for a vote by the Directors, Members or committees. They shall be eligible for election as a Director, Executive or Line Officer and shall be permitted to participate in committees and vote in committee proceedings. They may attend all social functions of the Department without invitation. An active member shall serve at the discretion of the Chief or his/her designee while emergency services are being performed.
The BVFD is composed of volunteers who provide fire protection and emergency medical service to the town of Bristol. We are always looking for additional members to serve as firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and other help, particularly during the day. If fire fighting or emergency medical activities don’t interest you, maybe you can provide child care while our members are on a call; or give a hand at some of our fund raising activities. There are many tasks that need to be done besides fighting fires or bandaging wounds.
Types of Membership
Membership in the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department is open to residents in and around the Town of Bristol. We have several classes of membership, including:
Members who are fourteen to fifteen years of age shall be classified as Junior Members. They are permitted to participate in drills, trainings, parades, and educational programs but participation may be limited by the policies of the Department. They are not be permitted to use power tools, cutting tools or work on ladders.
Members aged 16 or 17 may serve the Department as an Apprentice Firefighter at the discretion of the Fire Chief and with Parental /or Legal Guardian permission. Apprentice Firefighters can perform all active duties of a full member of this department except as specified in the bylaws and additional rules outlined in the policies of the department. They can participate in drills, trainings, parades, and educational programs but participation may be limited by the policies of the Department
Service members are members who wish to support the Fire department but not be an active volunteer performing firefighting duties. They can assist with fundraising events.

Support Us
You don’t have to put your life on the line to help your neighbor. Click here to financially support your Bristol Volunteer Fire Department.