History Archive
Early History of BFD
At a public meeting of the Town Board of Bristol on Friday, January 17, 1947, a resolution was offered to form a fire protection district. The new district would cover the entire town of Bristol. The East Bloomfield, Honeoye, and Canandaigua Fire Companies had proposed to contract with Bristol to provide fire protection for the sum of one dollar per M for each one thousand dollars assessed valuation.
Original Members
Check out a list of our original members.
BVFD Rescue Squad
In the fall of 1974 five BVFD members enrolled in and completed a Medical Emergency Technician (MET) course at Geneva General Hospital. These members were Caryl Favro, Mary Gliewe, Jean Lutz, Richard Holland and Tony Burgess. Clarence Bidwell also completed a MET course at Monroe Community College.
In the Fall of 1952 a number of BVFD members set to work constructing the first firehouse located on Route 64 just north of County Road 32. They performed all excavation, masonry and carpentry work. The land had been donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fales and was located next to the Bristol Center Library.

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